Donald Trump

Photo: The White House /

The President of the United States Donald trump is confident that the source of the spread of coronavirus was a Chinese laboratory. However, American intelligence have a different opinion. The position of the trump can lead to a new round of trade war with China

Photo: NIAID /

The President of the United States Donald trump is confident that the source of the spread of coronavirus was a Chinese laboratory. However, American intelligence have a different opinion. The position of the trump can lead to a new round of trade war with China. The American administration is able to impose additional duties on products from China due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, but not would like to use in this regard, the rejection of its debt to Beijing. This was stated by the President of the United States Donald trump, speaking to reporters in the White house. His words leads TASS.

Responding to a question about whether the U.S. government to refuse to fulfill its debt obligations to China “as punishment for virus”, trump said that he can get “the same” through the imposition of duties. He recalled that China is the holder of US debt amounting to about $1 trillion.

He acknowledged that the rejection of the debt “to anything good will not,” and the U.S. has other options, but did not specify which ones. “We have to protect the dollar, protect the stability of the dollar, the importance of the dollar”, – said the head of the US administration. In his opinion, the U.S. dollar is “the main currency in world history.”

Trump also stated that further steps by the US against China would be largely determined by results of consideration of the circumstances of the spread of the novel coronavirus. “We now find out how it happened. We need to answer, and he will determine how I will treat China,” said the President, stating that the conclusion of a comprehensive us-China trade deal “is a secondary character” in relation to the actions of China on control of the coronavirus.

By assumption of the trump virus, which appeared in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, out of control: the Chinese leadership could restrain the spread of the coronavirus, but did not. The President refused to explain why he believes the artificial origin of the virus. “I can’t say. I’m not allowed to tell you this,” he said.

Earlier Thursday, the office of the Director of N. I. announced that the new type of coronavirus has not been created in the laboratory and have not been genetically modified. As stated in the statement quoted by “Russian service of BBC”, the intelligence agree with the opinion of the vast majority of scientists believe that the virus originated in natural conditions, and then transferred to the person.

As reported earlier Thursday, some American media, the US administration has begun to explore the possibility of using against China the various measures in connection with the pandemic. In the words of the Washington Post, the U.S. government began to “develop a strategy for the application of measures of retaliation against China.”

Among such measures under consideration was the rejection of the part of debt owed to China, attempts to restrict its sovereign immunity with the aim of filing lawsuits in American courts and the imposition of sanctions.

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of China Le Yucheng in the NBC interview, said that any claims for compensation put forward by Beijing in connection with the coronavirus, are absurd and are a “political farce.” “There is no international law that would support the accusations against the country, which is simply the first to be informed about the disease,” – said the Chinese diplomat. Le Yucheng also expressed regret that “some politicians are using the situation with the virus for defamation of China.” However, he reiterated that Beijing “did not hide any information” about the coronavirus.

According to one version, coronavirus created in Chinese lab as a result of the efforts of China to surpass U.S. developments on viruses and fight them. According to this version, the person infected from bats, but patient zero then spread it to other people who were in Wuhan. Initially, the messages about the virus appeared to seafood market: it was argued that the imposition of liability on the market for the spread of infection, it was necessary to mask the guilt of the laboratory. The who has stated that maloveroyatno the origin of the virus.