Photo: RealMalinoisMan /

In the US, in Michigan armed protesters against the regime of self-isolation broke into the Capitol building (legislative and Executive state government in Lansing)

Photo: RealMalinoisMan /

In the US, in Michigan armed protesters against the regime of self-isolation broke into the Capitol building (legislative and Executive state government in Lansing). As informs television channel Fox News, people initially gathered at the Capitol building, as lawmakers were planning to extend the resolution of the Governor of the state Gretchen Whitmer on the regime self-isolation. In the message channel events were described as “storming the Capitol”.

During the rally, titled “Rally of American patriots,” which was initiated by the Michigan organization United for Liberty, the participants demanded to cancel from may 1, restrictions on business activities, reports the BBC. They also began to demand that they be let into the building, then broke inside. 66-year-old Dennis Sigler said he attended the protest out of respect for others. “I love freedom. In America we should be free,” he said.

Allowed by law to carry weapons to visitors of the Capitol. However, when armed men attempted to descend from the balcony in the hall of sessions of the Senate, they are not allowed to police and parliamentary officers. In this tense situation, legislators feared for their safety. According to the woman-Senator Dana’s p. E. Polehonki, some of her colleagues who had bullet-proof vests rushed to wear them.

Faced with such public pressure, the House of representatives of the state postponed its meeting, and not extending the regime of self-isolation. At the same time approved a resolution giving the Republicans the right to challenge the actions of the Governor, writes

Directly above me, men with rifles yelling at us. Some of my colleagues who own bullet proof vests are wearing them. I have never appreciated our Sergeants-at-Arms more than today. #mileg

— Senator Dayna Polehanki (@SenPolehanki) April 30, 2020

On Wednesday, the Governor Gretchen Whitmer accused Republicans is that they treat the virus as a “political problem” and not to the crisis of the health system. On the same day, the court of Michigan rejected the claim of five local residents to the Governor in which they asked to recognize the order of the authorities about introduction of quarantine restrictions unconstitutional.

The court emphasized that resulting from the restrictions imposed difficulties are temporary, and therefore not comparable with the damage that the coronavirus causes the infected and their loved ones.

Now a number of limitations in Michigan weakened: residents of the state permitted, but not recommended to travel between homes.

According to the BBC, hundreds of protesters gathered in Lansing, did not respect social distance and did not wear masks.

According to the Johns Hopkins University, from the beginning of the pandemic in the U.S. there are 1.7 million infected with the coronavirus. More than 63 thousand people died. 3 788 people have died in Michigan.