For the past day, 14 April, the world discovered only 58 800
cases of coronavirus, which is 11 500 less than April 13.
According to the center Johns Hopkins, the number of cases falls
the fourth day in a row. A week ago the number of new infected per day almost
reached the level of 100 thousand

For April 14 most of the cases were reported in the United States
– 26945, UK – 5252, France – 6524, Spain – 3961, Turkey – 4062. In
the remaining countries the figures are much smaller.

It is noted that in the world already 2 000 043 cases
disease, of them 484 573 people recovered and 126 753 died
complications that were caused by the disease.

Recall that the highest mortality rate in the United States – 26 064, Italy
– 21 067, Spain – 18 255. New cases almost none in China, South
Korea and Japan.

Earlier it was reported that Russian President Putin does not believe in the future
Of Russia in connection with the coronavirus crisis. The media says that he is very worried
because of the difficult situation.

Prior to that, saying that world organization
health urges Belarus to adopt new measures to curb
the spread of coronavirus, fearing that the outbreak in the country can join
new phase.

April 8 edition of the New York Times, citing its
sources said the following: despite the fact that Saudi Arabia has introduced a
strict rules in connection with the pandemic coronavirus, the Royal family still faced
with the difficult situation, there are already more than 150 patients.