In Ternopil strengthened quarantine restrictions

KIEV. April 15. UNN. In Ternopil strengthened quarantine restrictions imposed due to the outbreak of coronavirus. This was reported in the Ternopil city staff to combat coronavirus on his page in Facebook, reports UNN.

“Additional restrictions adopted today at the meeting of the headquarters for emergency situations in the Ternopil”, – stated in the message.

So, it is prohibited:

– mass to visit cemeteries on the territory of the Ternopil community and to conduct memorial services;

to sell weight ice cream, drinks on tap (beer, carbonated, cold drinks and other beverages) through small-scale retail trade;

– work of points of reception of recyclable materials (waste paper, glass, plastic, scrap metal)

– street self-service machines, excluding machines with drinking water, ATM terminals and payment booths.

ATM owners, wadamalaw, terminals and payment kiosks ordered to clean at least two times a day and to be disinfected.

Recall that in the Ternopil region from COVID-19 recovered and 15 people – for the day seven people.