The newly appointed head of the National Committee of the reform (NKR) Mikhail Saakashvili is confident that the recall of the Georgian Ambassador from Ukraine will not lead to cooling between the two countries. About this he wrote on his official account on Facebook, reports Диалог.UA.

Saakashvili stated Georgia at an important moment in the history of the recall of its Ambassador from Ukraine. He recalled that in both countries there is a quarantine due to the coronavirus, closed borders, air transportation is not running.

Than the Ambassador, which was withdrawn, will be to get home?” – asked the President.

Saakashvili also supported words of the President of Ukraine about its readiness to cooperate with Georgia “with any authority”.

It is a wise government position“, – he said.

Saakashvili also expressed confidence that the Georgian people will not allow the authorities to go to the deterioration of relations between the two countries.

All will be well“, – assured the head of the national Committee. He said that “no other alternative“.

Earlier Диалог.UA reported that Tbilisi reacted to the new Saakashvili’s appointment in Ukraine due to the criminal proceedings, which he opened in Georgia.

The head of MFA of Ukraine in response to the demarche of Tbilisi urged not to interfere in internal Ukrainian Affairs.

We also wrote, Saakashvili said that he planned to do, as head of the National Committee for the reform.