Milena Sheveleva was visiting my grandmother. She disappeared last night, April 26, after 18 hours, when I came home. In search of the girls was immediately raised helicopters, attracted not only hundreds of national guard soldiers and Napolli, but the cadets also child’s was looking for volunteers.

The search continues for the missing in Zolochiv district girl Milena, the search connected helicopter and cadets HNUVD

— Cocks Kharkov (@h_kharkov) April 27, 2020

The death was announced by telegram channels, officially the death of Milena was confirmed in Ukraine in Kharkiv region.

Milena found on the edge of the field. According to preliminary data, the girl died from hypothermia.

“Police are grateful to all concerned who took part in the search operation. Sincere condolences to the families and friends of the girls,” – said in the message.

At the same time in the comments netizens can’t understand why the girl was so far away from the village and never went back. It was still light enough. At the same time, users wrote that the day of the missing child, severe weather conditions and it was raining. The baby might have taken fright and are unable to Orient correctly.

“Lord…..Good grief….How so? In 8 km? She went so far away???”, “As for one night at +8 could freeze, something’s wrong here?!”

“Very alarming, why such a little kid the night in the rain somewhere to go? A lot of questions? Quarantine! You can’t go out from home? And many more questions” – write in the comments.

Moreover, it was found that it turns out the girl was returning from her grandmother not one, but allegedly, according to the discussions that went along with the brother.

“She and her brother went home, but fell behind and got lost… was in the village with my grandmother,” wrote the lady Facebook Taina Moscow visit of national police in the Kharkiv region.

We will remind, in Lviv were found dead missing teenagers Anastasia and Yuri. They left March 15 for a walk and never saw them again alive. Minors had a presentiment of trouble and left a note with a warning. Their bodies were found in a pre-dug grave.

We also wrote about the death in Kyiv on 9-year-old Zahar Cherevko, whose body was found in the lake vyrlitsa. It was reported that child brutally murdered, and then drowned.