Deputies from the “Servants of the people” Alexander Dubinsky, Maxim Buzhansky, Alexander Kunitsky, Olga Wasilewska-Smaglyuk will no longer be able to participate in a private party chat in the “Telegram”. This was announced by the people’s Deputy of 8-th convocation and the former journalist Serhiy Leshchenko.

Commenting on scandalous correspondence, Leshchenko said: “the Servant of the people” decided to remove the old chat and create a new one, but he deliberately did not invite controversial Dubinsky and Bogunskogo.

“They are recognized as toxic, even their own colleagues. The question arises: why not expel them from the faction? The answer to this question gave Poturaev last week: not to give them freedom, then Kolomoisky will purchase some more deputies and they will create their own separate parliamentary group in the Parliament like “maibutnje”,” – said Leshchenko.

Earlier Диалог.UA reported that the presidential faction “servant of the people” reeling from the fight. Quarreled seriously deputies Lisa Bogutskaya and Max Buzhansky. The cause of the quarrel was the comment Bohutska under the post former Deputy head of GPU of David Sakvarelidze in Facebook. He complained of “the servant of the people” Olga Wasilewska-Smaglyuk, which accused him of failing of the prosecution.

At the same time ex-MP Sergei Leshchenko believes that “public servants” Maxim Buzhansky, Alexander Dubinsky and Anton Poles together with the blogger Anatoly Shariy staged a “coordinated attack” on the government of President Vladimir Zelensky.