In Ukraine this year will continue the program “warm loans”

KIEV. April 14. UNN. In 2020, the program “warm credits” will work. This was stated by the press service of Saee, reports UNN.

“The saee has concluded cooperation agreements with two banks, Ukrgasbank and Ukreximbank – to implement the program of “warm loans” in 2020,” – said the Agency.

In particular it is indicated that in 2020 UGB will provide a “warm credits” to individuals – on energy efficiency measures in private homes, as well as the acquisition of solid fuel boilers; condominiums – for the insulation of high-rise buildings. In turn, as indicated, Ukreximbank will provide the results of “warm loans,” families that plan to implement energy saving measures in private homes.

It is also stated that previously, the Saee and PrivatBank signed a cooperation agreement to implement the program of “warm loans” in 2020.

As a result, the participants of the program, as noted in the Saee, will receive from the state budget reimbursement:

  • 20% of the loan amount – for solid fuel boilers (35% for subsidianes);
  • 35% – on insulation of individual housing;
  • from 40% to 70% for condominiums.

“However, please note that all borrowers on the need to respect the quarantine and care primarily about their own health. In particular, the banks imposed conditions to minimize social contacts and it is recommended to use remote service channels”, – noted in Department.

As reported by UNN, in 2020 to “warm loans” in Ukraine promised to 1.2 billion UAH.