In the three monasteries of the capital has lifted the quarantine

KIEV. May 26. UNN. In the three monasteries of the capital, in particular, in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Jonah and the Holy protection monastery, removed the quarantine. This was announced at a briefing by the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko, the correspondent of UNN.

“The capital has lifted the quarantine in several monasteries that were closed due to the outbreak of the disease. In particular, in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Jonah and the Holy protection monastery. For the entire period of quarantine made more than a thousand laboratory studies of PCR tests of the clergy. Thanks to the timely anti-epidemic measures and strict quarantine, managed to localize the outbreaks of the disease,” — said Klitschko.

He noted that prior to removal of quarantine measures in the monasteries carried out a full disinfection.

“As you know, the government were allowed to hold services in the churches — compliance with regulations and sanitary requirements. I appeal to the Ministers of all denominations. Take care of their members and follow the rules. Do not accumulate in the temples of a large number of people. To avoid new outbreaks of the disease”, stressed the mayor.

Recall that in late April in the capital began to close the monasteries quarantine due to the outbreak of coronavirus. April 22, closed on quarantine Pokrovsky Goloseevskiy monastery and Kiev-Pechersk Lavra services were held in closed session on March 22.