Today, April 22, in Melitopol journalists recorded
several arrests of protesters of citizens at the local administration due to
closure of markets. The previous Cabinet reversed its decision,
authorizing the operation of urban markets in terms of total quarantine. After that
many cities have begun to close the point of sale.

So, in the morning near the building of the city Council of Melitopol began
to gather disgruntled citizens to Express their protest against the authorities. We will remind, according to the decree of the Cabinet at the time of the quarantine protests banned along
with mass meetings.

Noted, the people protested against the fact that the markets
closed, and compensation for such measures, they have not received. The police at first tried to convince
entrepreneurs to disperse, and later began to arrest.

The Vice mayor went to the people and asked them
to adhere to the requirements of the law. After a half-hour discussion, citizens
left the building of the city Council.

Prior to that, chief state sanitary doctor Viktor
Lyashko confirmed that to allow the markets was a bad idea and the point of sale
products continue to work in unsanitary conditions.

Earlier it became known that the period of quarantine in Ukraine
citizens will offer jobs with salaries in the area of 6-8 thousand
UAH. The Cabinet of Ministers is working to create 500 thousand jobs in
the country.

We will remind, earlier people’s Deputy of Ukraine faction
“Servant of the people” Vladimir Kreidenko became a participant in the fight in
the city Council of the city of Melitopol.