
The who representative in Belarus Batyr Berdichev believes that one of the main reasons for the rapid development of a pandemic coronavirus in the country is the lack of adequate measures of physical distancing of citizens


The who representative in Belarus Batyr Berdichev believes that one of the main reasons for the rapid development of a pandemic coronavirus in the country is the lack of adequate measures of physical distancing of citizens. He stated this in an interview Tut.by published on Friday.

“The epidemic in Belarus and moved into a phase of local transmission of infection among the population, which requires immediate action to strengthen the measures of physical distancing. One of the efforts of the health sector at this stage is insufficient to deter and slowdown of the epidemic, he said. – Therefore, in the absence of adequate measures of physical distance, we have no reason to soon expect a change in the course of the epidemic and the treatment of her back”.

He recalled that according to the Belarusian Ministry of health, Belarus has experienced a steady increase in the number of new cases COVID-19 over the past four and a half weeks, while the growth rate of new cases is one of the highest in the who European region. “The epidemic is largely dependent on the ongoing response in the country, he said. – With the current situation we most likely will have to observe further the growth of new cases.”

According to him, in Belarus there are efforts to increase the capacity of laboratory testing COVID-19, which clearly affects the increase of the detection of infected individuals, and this is very important for their subsequent isolation, treatment and contact tracing. “But, even taking into account the possibilities of laboratory diagnostics of countries, Belarus has a fairly high rate in the number of cases per 1 million population, ahead of for example the Baltic States, Finland, Slovakia. All of these countries strictly adhere to measures of physical distancing that undoubtedly influenced the containment of the growth of the pandemic,” he said.

In Belarus, the number of infected with the coronavirus was 14 917 people. Daily gain of 890 people. Died 93 patients with coronavirus infection. The quarantine in the country are not introduced. Despite warnings by the who since April 20, resumed study at schools. And on April 25, the authorities withdrew more than two million citizens in the Republican Saturday. It was attended by President Alexander Lukashenko and other officials. On published photos and videos it is evident that the participants did not respect social distance and not wearing masks.

The head of state presented Saturday as a kind of sacrifice to appease a higher power sent down to the world of coronavirus. “I said He [the Lord] saw that ugly we treat the environment, to the lifestyle that we have does not correspond to the criteria that need to be, and hit us on the head [referring to the pandemic of coronavirus]. So we are trying if not to equalize the situation, then at least to protect yourself and your loved ones with these steps,” – said Alexander Lukashenko.

At present Belarus is preparing for the parade on the occasion of Victory Day. In these circumstances, when the authorities ignore the threat, the country began to act “national quarantine.” Many Belarusians possible to voluntarily minimize social contacts and choose a mode of self-isolation, reports TASS.

Meanwhile, Alexander Lukashenko has repeatedly expressed the opinion that the danger of coronavirus exaggerated, and to deal with it proposed “unconventional” ways. In particular, the President called the situation with coronavirus “psychosis”. He recommended that the Belarusians “treated” from the coronavirus alcohol, bath and selhozarteli.

Later, the head of state added that the isolation in the “rotten apartments, in the atmosphere of a virus” is killing people. According to him, for respiratory diseases, on the contrary need “to go outside, to breathe fresh air and ventilate the room”.

When in Belarus for a week has collected more than 150 thousand signatures under the petition demanding to urgently introduce in the Republic a quarantine coronavirus and sent her to the world health organization, Lukashenko gave another argument against him. “As we have here ranting in a circle around the quarantine, curfew, etc… It’s easiest, we’ll do it during the day, but what are we going to eat?” – said the head of state.

According to him, “everything is talking” about “the famine in the near future”, so in Belarus you need in the shortest time to complete the sowing campaign. “Oil is oil, but its on the table not served,” concluded the Belarusian leader.