In Bukovina recorded 73 cases COVID-19: the infected four priests

KIEV. April 15. UNN. In Bukovina confirmed 73 cases COVID-19, four of them priests. Only in the region of 662 cases of coronavirus infection. This was announced by the head of Chernivtsi regional state administration Sergey Osachuk, the correspondent of UNN.

“Today we have installed 73 new cases of infection with coronavirus infection. Thus the total number of infected Bukovina as of April 15 is around 662 people,” he said Osachuk.

According to him, among the 73 patients COVID-19 four priests.

“They are already informed about the positive test result and it is surprising that one of them tries to reject and not to accept this information, claiming that the results of the laboratory tests is false, he does not agree with this and tomorrow is going to go to a Church and conduct the service,” said Osachuk.

We will remind, in Bukovina died patient with COVID-19.