SBU has exposed billions of dollars in misuse of public funds in the procurement of food

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KIEV. April 15. UNN. Employees of SBU and Prosecutor General’s Office exposed the embezzlement of nearly 1.4 billion hryvnia in the process of buying idproducto and other items for the needs of penal institutions. It is reported by UNN with reference to the security Service of Ukraine.

So, in the course of the investigation, militiamen exposed illegal scheme in years 2017-2019 bidding of the state institution “the General Directorate of State criminal-Executive service of Ukraine”.

“Officials at the auction at inflated prices purchased from commercial structures of food and other items for the needs of penal institutions, totaling more than 5 million hryvnia,” — said in the message.

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“During the conduct of investigative (search) actions of security officers have established that during the implementation of the illegal mechanism, successful bidder put in correctional institution food, they are debited from the State reserve. They do not meet the requirements of the state and dangerous to use,” wrote the staff of the security Service of Ukraine. It is noted that in the implementation of contracts controlled by the commercial companies supply chicken, fish and other products of improper quality.

“In preparation for the sale of products treated with chemical substances to give it the presentation and increase the actual weight. Therefore, the products do not meet requirements specified in tender documentation,” write the police.

“According to preliminary data, the amount of the overstatement of cost of goods and other items on these purchases amounts to nearly 1.4 billion. Pre-judicial investigation proceeds. Is installed possible involvement in the illegal scheme to law enforcement officers”, — concluded the press center of the SBU.

Earlier in the APU reported on the food situation in pandemic coronavirus.