From coronavirus infection abroad have recovered 56 Ukrainians

KIEV. April 24. UNN. As of the evening of April 23 for treatment abroad is 161 Ukrainian with COVID-19, recovered 56 Ukrainian. It is reported by UNN with reference to the page of the foreign Ministry of Ukraine regarding the spread of coronavirus in the world.

So, now 161 citizens of Ukraine receive treatment from COVID-19 in various countries, in particular, the highest number in Italy and 121 in CZ — 6.

Note that abroad has recovered 56 Ukrainians, but 7 died.

We would add that most Ukrainians recovered in Greece 22 Poland — 6 and 4 in the Dominican Republic and Japan.

Recall, according to the latest Ministry of health in Ukraine recorded 7170 cases of coronavirus disease COVID-19, 187 of them fatal. In the world sick over 2.5 million people.

In particular, on 22 April, the Cabinet extended the quarantine in the country to 11 may inclusive.

Respiratory disease COVID-19, which causes infection of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, was first detected in China’s Hubei province, at the end of 2019. From the moment of infection with this virus have been recorded in 185 countries, including Ukraine. Since March 11, the world health organization recognized the spread of the disease — a pandemic.

Later, the head of the who Tedros Aden Gebreyesus stated that a pandemic of the novel coronavirus is accelerating at an exponential rate.

In turn, at the end of March the head of the IMF Kristalina Georgieva said that the world economy went into recession. Later, in the report of the organization for 14 April, the IMF said the global economy is the worst year since the great depression.