Yesterday, April 21, was exactly one year ended in the second round
the presidential election and, according to the vote count, the victory was won by showman
Vladimir Zelensky. In fact, he took office only on may 20 after
the inauguration. In comments to BBC Zelensky has the status of the President
said, what most regret in a new position.

The head of state stressed that to be President is
difficult job and he never concealed. According to him, pandemic
coronavirus have stopped the turbo mode, which began to work his

The President explained that already made a lot of changes and it
needs to be demanding for themselves, not to stay and not give up.

But still for the first year of his presidency he regrets
one thing that this job takes all his time and he had no spare
hours for children. Zelensky would like to be around children, as they grow.

Earlier, the sociologist explained that the faith of the Ukrainian people in
the actions of President Vladimir Zelensky and his team have not melted, however
high indicators of the September 2019 will be gone. During
quarantine power rating increased slightly.

Prior to this, Yury Butusov reviewed year of his presidency, Vladimir Zelensky, and also spoke about the first anniversary of the debate between Poroshenko and the current
the head of state.

Earlier, the former Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Borislav
Birch commented on the first year of his presidency, Vladimir Zelensky and said,
what is most frightening about him in this situation.