Today, on may 5, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky
approved the list of persons who will represent Kiev at talks in Minsk Tripartite
contact group on the peaceful settlement of the situation in the Donbas. Just
the group of seven people, mostly appointed by former President Leonid Kuchma. This was reported in the press service of the President’s Office.

His Deputy was appointed Minister for reintegration
the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov. The head of the OP Andrew
Ermak said that the presidential decree clearly established who the members of the group
will be responsible for certain areas of work.

Also the group included a number of MPs, among
they Oleksandr Merezhko, Andrey Kostin, Galina Tretyakova from the faction of “Servant

In addition, the delegation included Deputy Minister
of defense Oleksandr Polishchuk, Deputy Minister of economic development Yulia

Earlier Ermak claimed that members of the Ukrainian delegation in THC sit down at the table of negotiations on the Donbass only with those people who kept
Ukrainian citizenship and were not involved in the movement of militants.

Prior to that, the former adviser to national security Council Secretary Sergey Sivoho made
the statement about a possible change in the status of Donbass in the near future due to
the situation with coronavirus.

We will remind, at the end of talks of foreign Ministers
“Channel four” Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba
said that Ukraine is ready to talk with the Ukrainians, who live in the
uncontrolled territories.