David Nabarro

ITU/M. Benaissa A / Flickr

The number of identified cases of infection with coronavirus in the world, by Monday exceeded 1.85 million people., the number of victims – 114 thousand people

Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV)

Pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 will continue until scientists can develop vaccine against coronavirus disease, said the special representative of the world health organization on issues of illness COVID-19 David Nabarro on April 12 in an interview with NBC News, reports “Interfax”.

According to Nabarro, the nature of coronavirus disease different from the nature of the seasonal flu.

“We are not sure that this will happen in waves as the flu. We think that this virus will haunt humanity for quite a long time before we all get the vaccine, able to protect us”, he said.

“The key to this particular virus is the presence in each community of a particular barrier that may capture the patients as soon as they appear, to isolate them and prevent outbreaks. It is necessary that each country had the opportunity,” added Nabarro.

In this regard, he suggested that the widespread wearing of masks or other protection for the face will soon become the norm.

“I am sure that some form of face protection will become the norm,” said Nabarro. He explained that protection of persons is needed, because it is not known when will start the application of vaccines against coronavirus COVID-19, and developed the immunity to it from people they already had.

Previously, the who reported that the use of masks for the prevention of coronavirus are required however it should follow the hand hygiene, avoid crowded places and not to touch the face.

In addition, the who noted that the improper use of masks may reduce effectiveness. So, it should completely cover the mouth and nose, it is impossible to touch and to make sure that it remains dry. If you wear the mask for more than two hours, she will become a source of infection.

The number of identified cases of infection with coronavirus in the world, by Monday exceeded 1.85 million people., the number of victims – 114 thousand.

In Russia, according to 13 April, 18 328 thousand recorded cases of infection COVID-19.