Ukraine has launched an electronic student cards

KIEV. April 22. UNN. Ukraine has launched an electronic student card, which completely replace the plastic. The Minister of digital transformation Mikhail Fedorov said during the online presentation digital passport mobile app “Da”, the correspondent of UNN.

“A few weeks ago, we launched, but it was not possible to imagine… we launched the electronic “student”. Also we are at the forefront in the world in this service, because we have up to 1 million students and they have the ability to use electronic “student”, which will completely replace the plastic: this economical and convenient,” he said.

He noted that 5000 Ukrainian students have already tested the service.

“Digital student can identify, confirm the status of student travel, discounts in museums, discounts in state institutions”, – said Fedorov.

Recall that the digital passport of the citizen of Ukraine and passport is already available in the application “Da”.