Donald trump, Mike Pence (pictured right) and William Bryan

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian / Flickr

Adviser to the Ministry of homeland security for science and technology William Bryan said that Direct sunlight has a strong effect on the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and contributes to his death

Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks / Flickr

The President of the United States Donald trump explained that the day before he sarcastically suggested that to consider light, heat and disinfectants as a potential method of treatment of a new type of coronavirus, reports “Interfax” with reference to the newspaper The Hill.

“I sarcastically asked reporters like you to see what happens,” said trump.

Doctors have already managed to criticize the idea of the trump treat COVID-19 injections of disinfectants, Recalling that disinfectants are extremely dangerous if they eat or inhale. They can cause a reaction even in contact with the skin, not to mention the eyes or other mucous membranes. Ingestion or administration of such funds with the help of injections not only deadly but barely effective to combat COVID-19.

We will remind, on Thursday the President of the United States during the daily press conference in the White house suggested that light and heat can be used to treat people with coronavirus. Trump has appealed to the White house coordinator for combating coronavirus Dr. Deborah birx, so she “talked to the doctors and found out if there was a way by which light and heat can be used for treatment.”

The American leader also suggested to check the possibility to “put the light inside of a man”, for example, through the skin or other means. The idea of trump has caused a mixed reaction from journalists present at the press conference.

There are studies confirming that in principle, viruses die faster in the sunlight. However, exactly not known, how much time must pass.