Today, may 6, in the Office of the President of Ukraine, Vladimir
Zelensky gave an official response to the public offer of the President of Belarus
Alexander Lukashenko to visit Minsk on 9 may in the Victory Day together with other
leaders. About it reports the edition “Radio Freedom” with reference to
the Directorate of information policy of OP.

So, in Kiev announced that the country’s quarantine and all visits
President Zelensky abroad completely abolished.

It is noted that in Minsk on may 9 the President also not
considered the option of travel.

Before Lukashenka said that the leaders of the countries of the former USSR
it would be right to gather in Minsk on 9 may.

Earlier it was reported that President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko
refused to cancel the may 9 parade in honor of Victory Day, in spite of the coronavirus,
which is raging in the country, and invite Zelensky and Vladimir Putin.

Prior to this it was noted that Putin suffered a parade in Russia
an indefinite period of time. He says the celebration will be held, but not on 9
may. But the aircraft will fly to Moscow and other cities on Victory Day.

We will remind, in Kharkov the action “Immortal Regiment
Victory” may 9 plan to conduct at home. Mayor Kernes encourages all to come out
on the balconies and to honor the memory of their ancestors. He is also going to come out.