The head of government confirmed that the first limit
canceled next Monday, the Ministry of health
today plans to publish recommendations on how to work
amid still difficult epidemiological situation due to the coronavirus.

The Prime Minister also noted that public transport
also change your job: more people will now need
transport to enable access to jobs.

“The first restrictions being revoked on may 11. Until may 11
the business must be ready to work in new conditions. The Ministry of health will announce the recommendations
how to do it. It is important to listen to the advice that comes from business and
people to organise and in practice worked correctly.

to increase the amount of transport from 11 may to provide people with the opportunity
to get to places of work for a business that just opened,” said

Video of the meeting of the government was published in
The Internet.

The Ministry of health plans to finalize
resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 211 (the quarantine) and will contribute
changes to the new rules of business. A new version of the decree will be
posted tonight on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Prior to this it was noted, despite the fact that in Ukraine begins a gradual lifting of the quarantine on may 11, the transport will start after a few weeks, not the whole.

We will remind, in SBU reported that Russian Internet campaigners have stepped up their activity in the period of may holidays in Ukraine and urge Ukrainians are increasingly to break the quarantine.