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On world human rights Day on 10 December, the United States imposed sanctions against three members of the Central Committee of the workers ‘ party of Korea. This is stated in the released statement of the American Ministry of Finance.

In the black list includes Deputy Chairman of the party Central Committee, Pak Kwan Ho, who also heads the Department of propaganda and agitation, and Choi Ryong Hae. Under the restrictions were and Chung Kyung-Taek, who, according to the U.S. office, is a member of the party Central Committee and Minister of public security, the DPRK, reports TASS.

According to the Finance Ministry, North Korean officials that imposed the restrictions involved in “serious human rights violations and censorship in North Korea”, and “limiting access [to citizens] by foreign media.” Sanctions, according to U.S. authorities, “are a reminder of the brutal treatment of North Korea with a U.S. citizen Otto Vambera, who died 18 months ago.”

Washington’s actions, the document says, “are designed to emphasize the horrible situation of human rights in North Korea and to advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves.” The Finance Ministry has decided to impose restrictions based on published state Department report on human rights violations in the DPRK.

“The Ministry of Finance imposes restrictions against officials of North Korea’s high rank who lead departments, is ill-censorship activities that violate human rights and allow for abuse to suppress and control the population, said Finance Minister Steven Mnuchin. – The United States has consistently condemned the North Korean regime for its gross and flagrant violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the current [Washington’s] administration will continue to take action against human rights violators in the world.”

From January 2017, the U.S. Treasury imposed sanctions on more than 500 legal entities and individuals whose activity is connected with human rights violations in North Korea, Russia, Syria, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Venezuela, Iran.

We will remind, in 2015, the 21-year-old American tourist Otto Bomber, who studied at the University of Virginia, was detained in Pyongyang. It is known that the student lived in the hotel “Engacho”, which usually stop foreigners. There is a young man wandered into the secret fifth floor and allegedly tried to steal a propaganda poster. Warmbir accused in the attempted bombing of the unity of the North Korean nation “with the connivance of the US and in accord with Washington’s manipulations.”

Warmbir was tried, forced to confess to the crime on camera and sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. Soon the student became ill and fell into a coma. Although the US state Department had secured his release from the coma Otto never came out. When the student was taken to the U.S., doctors diagnosed him with brain damage. A week after returning home , Otto died. His parents cause of death called torture, but the official cause of death has not been established.