The organizer of the terrorist attack in the Kherson region was “given” a 15 years oldPhoto:

The accident 1 person died and 6 were injured

10.12.18 98100

The Kherson court of appeals for the materials SBU was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment with confiscation of property the organizer of the terrorist attack in Novooleksiivka (Kherson region) in April 2016.

About it reports a press-service of the Ministry on the page in Facebook.

“During a pretrial investigation it is established that a native of Odessa region, being a member of an organized group involved in committing a terrorist act on the territory of the genichesky area. During the explosion that occurred in April 2016 in Novooleksiyivka, 1 person died, 6 were injured”, – the press-the SBU center on Monday.

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The secret service said that in may 2016 the staff of SBU detained one of participants of an organized group – organizer of the attack.

“The Kherson appellate court found the detainee guilty of a crime under part 3 of article 258 (terrorism – ed), part 1 article 263 (illegal handling of weapons and explosives – ed) of the Criminal code of Ukraine. Beginning of term of serving of punishment will be calculated from the date of detention of the malefactor in 2016”, – stated in the message.

We will remind, in 2016 in Novooleksiyivka in the car detonated an explosive device. The car was parked in a public place. The event was qualified as a terrorist attack. The accident 1 person died and 6 were injured.