The UN has warned of a coming “famine of biblical proportions” because of the coronavirus

According to the UN, the number of people in need of food in the world can grow from 130 to 265 million people

In early April, the UN reported that due to coronavirus 8.3 million people in the Arab region will be below the poverty line, and the number of those who does not receive food, will grow by 2 million / Anton Krylov

The world food programme, the UN has published an annual report in which he warned of a “biblical” famine because of the epidemic. According to the UN, the number of people in need of food in the world can grow from 130 to 265 million.

“If we do not prepare and act now to ensure access, to avoid financing gaps and failures in the trade, we may face multiple famine of biblical proportions in the next few months”, – said the Executive Director of the world food programme (WFP), David Beazley, whose words are on the news site of the United Nations.

Beazley called the pandemic coronavirus “the worst humanitarian crisis since the Second World war.” According to him, without the aid of WFP “every day from hunger will die 300 thousand people, and so for three months.” Beazley added that these figures do not include the effects of the pandemic coronavirus.

It is reported that donor countries are slowing down the disbursement of funds necessary to create a network of logistic centres for the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the most affected areas of the world. In the near future for these purposes will need $350 million, according to the “Report on the food crisis”, submitted to the Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations.

In one scenario of the programme, the famine will spread in 30 countries of the world. 10 of them are already about a million people are on the verge of starvation. At risk are primarily the countries involved in war and affected by the economic crisis and global climate change. Among them Yemen, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Nigeria and Haiti. The UN urged the international community to respond to the problem to prevent a disaster.

According to a leading economist program Arif Hussein, the regime of self-isolation and economic recession has hit the inhabitants of starving countries. More than half (73 million) from 135 million people caught in the coverage of the report, live in Africa. 43 million live in the middle East and Asia, with 18.5 million residents of Latin America and the Caribbean. The report has a Global network to combat food crises concern is also the situation in the South-East of Ukraine.

In early April, the UN reported that due to coronavirus 8.3 million people in the Arab region will be below the poverty line, and the number of those who does not receive food, will grow by 2 million In this case now in the Arab countries, more than 101 million people are on the brink of poverty, and 52 million are malnourished.

In August last year, the intergovernmental group of experts on climate change published a report according to which in connection with the acceleration of climate change on the planet, more and more inhabitants of the Earth will starve. The center of attention of a group of scientists were mutual negative impact of climate change on soils and forests, who, under this impact, in turn themselves cause climate change.

According to experts, in the case of increasing average global temperatures more than 2 degrees Celsius fertile land will turn into desert, rupture occurs built in the permafrost infrastructure, and drought and extreme weather events could threaten farming and food production. This value of 2 degrees Celsius is the maximum prescribed in the agreement of the parties climate summit in Paris.

Soil and forests function as sinks of carbon dioxide and prevent the increase in CO2 emissions, but inept management has changed the situation is exactly the opposite, with the result that these areas become the main factors causing climate change.

About 70% of the land that is not occupied by ice, is already being used for growing food, producing clothing and fuel, as well as for living and other human needs. All this leads to the emission of up to a quarter of all greenhouse gases – primarily because of the clearing of land for livestock and cultivation of crops. In General, agriculture is the “fault” for the disappearance of 70% of the forests on the planet.

Often ignore the fact that ecosystems such as grasslands or savannas are the key to a stable climate. These large areas which are usually devoid of trees and shrubs, serve as sinks of carbon dioxide. In addition, they allow for the grazing of cattle without destroying the forests. But the trend is to transform these areas in acreage for grain leads to massive growth of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

A new report by scientists explains how the current model of food production increases, climate change – and at the same time is a victim of these changes. So, the expected reduction of cereal crops and a corresponding increase in prices for these crops. Only in the United States if emissions of greenhouse gases continue to grow unabated over the next 60 years, climate change could reduce the production of grain crops and soybeans by 80%.

In addition, the high content of CO2 in the atmosphere affects the quality of foods, reducing their nutritional value. Now, according to scientists, the 821 million people in the world suffer from hunger, while 1.5 billion is not ingest essential human trace elements like iron or zinc. Among the necessary measures is the optimization in the chain of cultivation and food production and rehabilitation of more than 2 billion hectares of soil degraded, and the refusal of the cultivation of monocultures over large areas.