The Pope revealed no coronavirus

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Test for coronavirus 83-year-old Pope Francis, who last time refused to participate in several activities due to the illness and caused this suspicion, showed a negative result, said the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero. Press Secretary of the Vatican Matteo Bruni told Reuters that he could not yet comment.

Last week, February 26, during an audience with the Pope expressed support for the infected with the coronavirus and thanked the doctors who help the sick. As reported by the Vatican News portal, the Pontiff is not specifically found with patients with coronavirus, but shook hands with the faithful in the front row during his audience and kissed the baby.

At the end of last week on the MCM portal News published an article about the possible infection of the coronavirus people from the entourage of the Pope and quarantine in the papal city-state. In the Vatican press service called the information false.

According to the world health organization, Italy is one of the most epidemic-prone countries along with South Korea and Iran. There are more than 2 thousand cases, the number of deaths in Italy rose to 52.