First case of coronavirus laboratory confirmed in Ukraine. This was stated by the chief sanitary doctor of Ukraine Victor Liashko
The Ministry of health of Ukraine
First case of coronavirus laboratory confirmed in Ukraine. This was stated by the chief sanitary doctor of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko, quoted by TASS. “Yesterday I told you that there are four suspected cases. Today that suspicion was confirmed one person”, – he said at a special briefing. Lyashko said that the virus found in the Chernivtsi men, who came to Ukraine by car from Romania, and there, he flew in from Italy.
Homeland returned from Italy checked again, symptoms are not found, however, the husband and wife “isolated themselves” in his apartment, and a few days later the man showed symptoms of the disease with which he was taken to the hospital. The wife of the sick men remains a “self-sealed”.
“The man is hospitalized. Contact persons are few, they are all well-known epidemiologists, now they are in the mode of self-isolation”, – said Lyashko. He added that the Ukrainian authorities are contacted by Bucharest that Romania started checking all the passengers, on Board of which arrived diseased Ukrainians.
According to the world health organization, Italy is one of the most epidemic-prone countries along with South Korea and Iran. There are more than 2 thousand cases, the number of deaths in Italy rose to 52. On 2 March in Moscow, was hospitalized man, also returning from Italy.
The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova urged Russians to refuse trips abroad or to minimize the duration of stay abroad due to the coronavirus. It is recommended to observe the basic rules of infection control: “keep hands clean and all gadgets” in the course of the day to rinse your face and rinse your nose when visiting public places and when travelling on public transport wearing a mask.
At the same time, Popov said that the reason for the introduction of mandatory quarantine for arriving from Italy today there. “The country is large, and such measures still does not introduce anybody in the world, there are no epidemiological grounds. You need to apply at the place of residence in a medical institution or at the place of observation, to say that you come right back, and you should take it under the supervision”, – she said.