A new mode of solving crosswords from The New Yorker magazine will help you and your comrades pass the time in isolation. The point is that one crossword can be solved online with a friend and even company. So, pretty simple game suddenly takes on new colors. In addition, it is a good way to poraskinut brains and time away from the grueling and sad news.

At the moment to solve puzzles in English is completely free. To do this, just go to the website and create an account there. And the next instructions:

  • go to any puzzle like this;
  • click on the option of co-op;
  • share the link with a friend and start playing.

The most fascinating what to solve a crossword puzzle can be a friend in real-time. Any guess the word typed in the column you or your partner, see different.

The puzzle is available in mobile version to play not only on your PCs but also in the kitchen over Breakfast or lying on the couch.
Source — The New Yorker