The first infected with a coronavirus infection worked in one of the laboratories of the Chinese Wuhan, which initially became the epicenter of the disease. It is reported by Fox News, citing multiple sources

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Wuhan Center for control and prevention of diseases, which is just three miles from the market, as expected, also conducted animal experiments to study transmission of coronaviruses

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The first infected with a coronavirus infection worked in one of the laboratories of the Chinese Wuhan, which initially became the epicenter of the disease. It is reported by Fox News, citing several sources familiar with the decisions of the authorities of China and had seen the relevant documents.

Sources Fox News noted that a person infected from bats, but patient zero then spread it to other people who were in Wuhan. The virus originated in the laboratory as a biological weapon, but as a result of the efforts of China to surpass U.S. developments on viruses and fight them. According to sources, the situation with the spread of the coronavirus could become “the most expensive government cover-up of all time”.

Initially, the messages about the virus appeared to seafood market. It was alleged that the first man, who in December confirmed the coronavirus was the woman who traded there are shrimps. Fox News points out that there never sold a bat and assigning responsibility to the market for the spread of infection, it was necessary to mask the guilt of the laboratory.

While China is “100 percent” hid or altered data about the infection of coronavirus: doctors and journalists who warned about the development of the virus “disappeared”. In addition, China quickly stopped the trip from Wuhan to other regions of the country, but did not stop international flights from Wuhan. And the world health organization (who) allegedly from the beginning supported China at covering his tracks. The representative of the Chinese foreign Ministry said on groundless information about the laboratory origin of the virus, adding that this should be handled by experts.

On the eve of the US President has suspended the financing of the organization, saying that the who was withholding information about the coronavirus and was based on data from China, which did not reflect the true extent of the pandemic. The former head of British intelligence MI6 John Sawers also accused the Chinese authorities that they hid from the world information on the magnitude of the disease.

“From what we know, it originated in Wuhan. We know Wuhan Institute of Virology is located just a few miles from the place where the seafood market,” said Fox News Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, demanding from the Chinese government to reveal the truth about the origin and spread of the virus.

The US President Donald trump on the question of whether he discussed the origin of the virus in the laboratory with the Chinese President, XI Jinping, said he would not share the conversation about this, because “right now it’s not appropriate,” reports Reuters. “We very carefully study this terrible situation,” said trump.

According to German newspaper Die Welt, the translation of the article, which leads InoPressa, final conclusions about how a person could be infected with a new type of coronavirus, do not exist so far.

At the same time in mid-March, researchers from the team of Swedish microbiologist and Professor Christian Andersen found that the new virus can easily affect human cells. In General, however, it works not so well as would expect in the case of artificially created biological weapons. Moreover, it is unclear why develop a new coronavirus from originally harmless to humans virus, and not from long-known coronaviruses, like MERS or SARS. Therefore, scientists believe the scenario of the virus in the laboratory implausible and consider only the variation of natural virus transmission to man, either directly from bats or through the animal, which became the intermediate host.

British Daily Mail also notes that is the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the most advanced laboratory of its kind in mainland China. In 2018, the state newspaper People’s Daily said that the Institute “is able to carry out experiments with highly pathogenic microorganisms”, such as the Ebola virus. Institute scientists were the first who suggested that the virus genome is 96% similar to the genome of a virus commonly found in bats.

The second institution located in the city of Wuhan Center for control and prevention of diseases, which is just three miles from the market, as expected, also conducted animal experiments to study transmission of coronaviruses. According to Professor Richard Brait from the Institute of Microbiology Waksman at Rutgers University, the state of new Jersey, the staff of the Institute carried out the study of viruses, using the “protection level 2”, which provides only the minimum protection from contamination, not recommended “level 4”.

“A study conducted by the South China University of technology, came to the conclusion that COVID-19 “probably” came from the Center for control and prevention of diseases, although soon after the publication of the study this article was removed from the social network for scientists and researchers. It is also interesting that when in January was closed market of wild animals in Beijing News has reported that “patient zero” – the first infected person was Huan Yanlin, a researcher from the Institute of Virology. The Institute called this information a “fake news”: it was stated that Huan had left the Institute in 2015, he is in good health and had not diagnosed COVID-19″, – the newspaper writes.

The authors remind us that in 2004 a leak from Chinese laboratories has led to the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), killing one person and infected nine others. The Chinese government said that the leak was the result of negligence, and five senior officials of the Chinese center for control and prevention of disease was punished.