As informs Agency Bloomberg, in recent months the Chinese company SenceTime made a fortune at $ 600 million, helping the government to monitor its own citizens.

The fact that SenceTime specializiruetsya on developing technologies for face recognition based on artificial intelligence. The company has become successful in just 3 years — and the secret of this success quite is simple.

“If you have ever taken a photo with a Chinese phone or walked the streets of Chinese cities, says Bloomberg, is that it is very likely that your appearance in digital form appeared in the database SenceTime associated with more than 100 million mobile devices.”

The company is also actively working with Honda, participating in the development of Autonomous vehicles, and telecommunications giant Qualcomm had expressed interest in the installation of face recognition on smart devices manufactured by the company.

Success SenceTime – a serious bid for world leadership in the field of AI, which China intends to achieve by 2030. There are many factors that contribute to the fact that the company’s services are in demand by millions of citizens of China in various fields.

According to CNBC, SenceTime is planning to update its AI platform, to build infrastructure and “open new opportunities for business.” This means further development. The face recognition technology is becoming more advanced and fool them harder. This, however, creates serious problems for those who strongly opposed the invasion of their privacy.
Source — Bloomberg