The monument to Catherine II in Odessa is to be a city CouncilPhoto: RT

In the city Council see no reason for the dismantling of the monument

27.12.18 57000

The Odessa city Council has not considered the issue of dismantling the monument to Catherine II.

About it reported in Department on protection of objects of cultural heritage city Council: in response to the request of UNN.

“The monument “to the Founders of Odessa” in Odessa is a part of unique town-planning ensemble of the Catherine’s square, the Central historical area of the city of Odessa, and the question of dismantling of the monument control is not considered”, – said in response to the request.

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The city Council reported that as of December 2018, there is no reason for dismantling the monument to the founders of Odessa.

We will remind, in Kiev will be dismantled monument to the Russian commander Alexander Suvorov, which is installed at the entrance to the Kiev military Lyceum named after Ivan Bohun.