The Deputy of the Russian State Duma a Andrei Kozenko told about the Kremlin’s plans to subjugate the whole of Ukraine. Social networks are indignant.

Attention to the scandalous statement Kozenko drew “Лента” reports “Диалог.UA”.

In Russia did not hide its aggressive intentions towards Ukraine. This time the controversial statement was distinguished by the Deputy of the state Duma from the annexed Crimea Kozenko. He openly acknowledged Russia’s participation in the occupation of Ukrainian Donbass, noting that the creation of “L/DNR,” were, among others, Russian “volunteers”.

“With their help “DNR” and “LNR” held as “state”,” – said the representative of the Putin regime. These words, remarkably, he sent an unambiguous signal about the Kremlin’s unwillingness to join the terrorist “republics”.

Kozenko has openly made it clear that the Donbas blood will flow until, while in Kiev will not change the authorities more loyal to the Kremlin.

“The mission of volunteers is exhausted, yet still will sit the representatives of the “Nazis”, who call themselves the Ukrainian authorities constantly provoke Russia” threatened “the Deputy”, adding that Russia has a strategic goal – “the scarlet banner of the victory over the Kiev and Odessa”.

And now the love for the Ukrainian people, the strategic objectives of Russia to preserve the independence of the brotherly country and how do the Russians want war, you will be told the Deputy Gosdury Russian Federation Andrey Kozenko.
A peaceful sky, happiness and prosperity to you, Ukrainians!

— Vitauskas (@Vitauskas_A) December 28, 2018

Ukrainians in social networks in a rage because of the scandalous statements of the collaborator Kozenko. On it unleashed a mountain of criticism.

“Not raise the scarlet banner of victory, you provocateur! On the rack!” suggested one commenter. Many were struck by the words “Deputy” terrorist “L/DNR”.

“These fake “Republic” took place? Who found them,” he rhetorically asked one of the users of the Network.

We will remind, earlier “Диалог.UA” reported that the speaker of the state Duma Vladimir Volodin has threatened war on the West due to the fact that the Kremlin can not defeat Poroshenko.