In the United States replaced the fitness bracelets have developed fitness-implantIota Biosciences

The sensor will be attached directly to the muscle or nerve fiber

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Startup Iota Biosciences, founded by scientists from the California Institute in Berkeley, has received $15 million investment to develop a tiny chip the size of a grain of rice, which will be attached directly to the muscle or the nerve fiber. This writes TechCrunch.

To operate the sensor using ultrasound – it is equipped with a piezoelectric crystal, which transformyour ultrashort waves into electricity and Vice versa. In the middle is a tiny chip, and the edges – the set of electrodes.

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When the device is activated by the ultrasound, between the electrodes a voltage which in turn affect the electrical impulses of the fabric. Taking ultrasonic pulses from the sensor, the external device can track the status of a tissue or organ.

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Now technology has to approve the American management on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines (FDA).

We will remind, scientists from the U.S. and China have developed a sensor for weight loss. It is attached to the stomach wall and keeps track of its reduction by passing the signal of saturation via the vagus nerve to the brain.