Video beauty Queen burned the wig, when it came to the crownPhoto: Screenshot

The girl immediately felt the fire on his head

29.12.18 722000

During the ceremony of awarding the winner of the beauty contest “Miss Africa”, held in Calabar (Nigeria), lit wig. Reported by the Daily Post.

It is noted that first place was taken by 24-year-old Dorcas kasinda the Congo. In addition to the title, she received 35 thousand dollars and the jeep, according to The Natiion. The crown presented the beauty Queen from Botswana who won the contest “Miss Africa” in 2017.

  • READ more: Beauty without the title: what’s wrong in the industry of beauty contests

While Kasinda cuddled with a girl on her wig fell the sparks emitted from the pyrotechnic devices on stage. The girl immediately felt the fire on his head. It helped the host of the ceremony and several people who jumped on the stage. They quickly eliminated the fire, after which the event continued.

We will note, earlier the finalist of the contest Miss Grand International, Paraguayan Clara Sosa, fainted on stage after she was announced the winner.