The IMF said that the global economy will recover from the pandemic

KIEV. May 17. UNN. To recover from a pandemic COVID-19 world economy will need three years. This was during an online discussion organized by the publication Politico, said the Director-hostess IMF Kristalina Georgieva, reports UNN citing “Voice of America”.

According to the leader of the IMF, the world economy will reach the pre-crisis level in 2023.

“The biggest shock has worn off,” said Georgieva. She noted that in March 170 countries showed economic decline.

In the first quarter of the United States and Europe registered a sharp drop in the economy. The decline in Ukraine in the first quarter amounted to 1.2%.

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The situation may be even worse than the April forecast, the IMF, which involved the fall of the world economy by 3%, because the pandemic has not yet been overcome, he said.

“Without a medical decision, unfortunately, for some economies can be executed more negative scenarios. The uncertainty regarding the behavior of the virus clouds the horizon of expectations,” Georgieva said last week at a seminar organized by the European University, was quoted.

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Still, the IMF predicts a partial recovery of the global economy in 2021.

The Fund increases the number of programs to support the economies of developing countries and also considers the possibility of debt relief for the poorest countries.

“Spend as much as you can, and then spend a little more on doctors, nurses, vulnerable populations in your country,” Georgieva said during a seminar Politico.

Earlier, the IMF representative stated that the effect of the crisis COVID-19 will be felt until 2025.

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