The European Union and Britain agreed on a draft Declaration on relations after Brexit
Donald Tusk
European People’s Party / Flickr
A political Declaration on how the EU and UK will trade and cooperate in security and other areas after the divorce, agreed to in principle. This was announced by the European Council.
The President of the European Council Donald Tusk has written in the microblog Twitter: “I just sent the 27 EU member States the draft Political Declaration on future relations between the EU and the UK. The Chairman of the Commission informed me that the document agreed at the level of negotiators, agreed in principle at the political level and now needs to be approved by the decision of leaders”.
In accordance with the Declaration of trade barriers, missing presently appear, the movement of goods and services between the UK and the EU after the country’s withdrawal from the EU. “The United Kingdom’s obligations in respect of customs and regulatory cooperation, including from the point of view of harmonization rules will be adopted in the calculation the implementation of appropriate checks and audits”, – quotes Sky News excerpt from the Declaration.
Throughout the text of the document contains not a single reference to the definition of “unimpeded” in relation to trade. Before it is sounded repeatedly in various policy statements designed to show that Brexit will not result in violation of existing trade relations between Britain and the EU.
If all goes according to plan, the EU and the UK use this 26-page Declaration as the basis for an agreement on trade. This agreement must be approved during the 21-month transition period, which begins March 29. During this period the UK will remain a member of the pan-European market and the customs Union.
If the 585-page draft agreement on the withdrawal of Britain from the EU and the political Declaration on the future relationship will be approved at the EU summit on Sunday 25 November, Prime Minister Theresa may will have to hold these documents through the British Parliament.
While there is no majority in support of this agreement. Against him, all the opposition parties, as well as dozens of members of Parliament from conservatives. Some of them, supporters of a tougher version of the “breccia”, even tried to initiate the procedure for submission to the Prime Minister a vote of no confidence.
The agreement with the EU a British exit from the EU is within reach, reports Sky News. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa may said Thursday, speaking to his official residence.
“This agreement is within our reach, and I intend to get it,” said may. She also reported that on Thursday “between the EU and the United Kingdom approved the text of the [political] Declaration” on the future relations between the parties. Mei called it “the right deal for Britain”, reports TASS.
Mei also believes that on Sunday, November 25, will sign an agreement with Spain concerning Gibraltar, reports “Interfax”.
Add the Spanish authorities still do not plan to support agreed by the London and Brussels document on the terms Brexit, as it does not define the status of Gibraltar, sources said in Madrid.
Earlier this week, Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez already
stated that Madrid will not support the project transaction Brexit EU
Britain, if he, in particular, will not take into account the position of Madrid in the
Gibraltar – a British overseas territory on the Iberian Peninsula.