April 12. Kiev. In synchronous jumps from a tower Sofia LISKUN and Valeria LYULKO one step from the podium of the Cup of Ukraine. Photo of Paul KUBANOVA, “SE” in Ukraine”

In an interview with “SE” 16-year-old Sofia Lysko told how she managed to collect on the tower the most sophisticated program in Europe.

Soon after a career of seven-time European champion, two-time medalist of the world Championships and participating in three Olympics (2008, 2012, 2016) Yulia Prokopchuk Ukrainian national team on the tower appeared a new star Sofia Lescun.

She is only 16, but she already boasts award-winning Junior world Championships and the continent, and last year achieved its first success among adults – won a bronze medal in synchronous jumps from a tower with Valeria Lyulko at the home European championship in Kiev.

At the Open Cup of Ukraine, which took place last week in the capital pool “Liko”, a student of Ilya tselutina and Tamara Tolkachov won two awards – silver for the top ten in the individual and bronze in the team competition, where she performed with Alexey Sereda. Why not work up on a pedestal in sync, the fear of jumping and how music and books influence the performances of the Sofia Liskun said in an interview with “SE”.

– How would you do on a 12-point scale assessed their performance at the Open Cup of Ukraine?

– His speech in the individual is not happy. So would appreciate points for five, maybe even four.

You complicated program compared to last season, but in the final from one of the two new jumps still refused, why?

“Three – and-a-half ago,” I’m not naprygalis on this jump I still need to work. Therefore, it was decided to put instead of “Auerbach”, which I have more stable.

– I thought that before “the sun”, which was your final jump, you longer than usual stood on the edge of the tower?

– (Smiling). Maybe I’m a little preoccupied. What? Usually competitions between jumps I listen to music. I mean, jumped, and wiped until it was my turn again to speak, put on the headphones and turn on some song in the phone it helps to be distracted. The tower I rise a man for four before I need to jump. Because for a long time to stand there, too bad, escalate the situation. And so it happens that I have come to the edge, but still think about the music that was ringing in my headphones. And then: “Oh, I got to jump!”

– What kind of music were you listening to “the sun”?

Song title I do not remember, it is difficult to utter, unable to watch. Actually, to be honest, not everyone likes this kind of music, but I it charges.

– So can it now all the time before jumping to include, “Auerbach” it turned out well. Yulia Prokopchuk were happy swimsuit, you have a happy song?

– I also have happy swimsuit – black. I played in Kazan. But I grew out of it, and bought the same one, only larger. But today for some reason I wanted to be in a green swimsuit, and you need somewhere to jump.

– Do you remember when you first in training has performed such difficult jumps, as “three and-a-half ago” and “for themselves”?

Of course I do. It was scary, because when you practice them on a wire is a completely different experience. And then you are in the air and not know what will happen in the next moment, you can say you are looking forward to a miracle… or Standing, waiting for you to include a “cushion”, then the command “go”, and yeah, fast. And when it did come up and not know how it is with others, but I like clicking all forget. Once jumped on three times training the “three-and-a-half ago.” I coach every time I asked, you see I during a jump or don’t see. At first I couldn’t even answer, and the third finally realized that all three times I saw.

– You said that in the air are looking forward to a miracle or what?

– Something bad, jumping is not always the first time be able. So it might be bad, awful, a disaster. Different ways to call it.

– Such a catastrophe as was during the finals in sync on the tower from your colleague Valeria Lyulko?

– Yes! Leroy “lost” jump. Way she then explained: “the Hustle, one, two, three and I’m already in the water.” It happens. May be this time the reason is that we once stood before a jump (teams usually give me), or she was just worried. I can’t help with the feelings of others. “Don’t worry” – of course, I can say, but what happens to the other person inside, I don’t know.

And when you understand what happened? You generally see during a jump, making partner at synchrono?

– Sometimes, you notice your neighbor, and sometimes if I jump. “Three or four” – and went. This time I was still underwater drew attention to the fact that quiet, can not hear the applause. I think we are like fine jumped. And then look, Lera barely comes up. Next thing I know she made a jump at zero.

– And you like that has happened?

– Yes, but not in competition, but in training. Jumped “two and a half bent under itself” and not that nervous, rather just you stagnate, I thought about the book, which at the time read.

– And what book it was, if not a secret?

– “50 days before my suicide”. (Laughs). Interesting book actually. I stood and thought about it, but then I realized that it was time to jump. As usual, fit, push, flip and calculate three gray do. In the air, and not understand what is happening, I’m starting to get out of the water, and I even hurts to breathe. Actually, I once was lost, especially on the jump “by itself”, even when seven jumped, not dozens.

– Now you have one of the most difficult programs on the tower among women in Europe. But if the winter the national championship you scored over 300 points, on the Cup of Ukraine only 284. Why such a difference?

– The program is really complicated, but it still needs to be done. For the championship we spent six months preparing, training in Kreminna. Paging and everything. And here was only three months of training after the New year. I think I have not yet been drawn.

– Tamara Tokmacheva, head coach, always stresses that jumping into the water plays an important role weight. How hard is it to hold it?

– Actually, I do not say that if you’re losing weight, you better jump. But my feeling is it is not so. If I lose weight rapidly, you just don’t feel your body and understand what is happening. Basically, my working weight, according to the coach, is a reading of 54.5. But I always weigh, it’s an unpredictable thing. We girls are. (Laughs). Now I gained and trying to lose. In what way? Breakfast is fine, eating modestly, and for dinner – only seagulls. But got up before the competition on the scales and still 56. Don’t know where it comes from. (Laughs). Although, in principle, I that weight while jumping felt quite comfortable.

On the Cup you were on the rig, which is your core projectile, but on the springboard.

– Do I start all the shells jump. But on the meter, to be honest, I’m not interested to speak. There all girls follow the same curriculum, and the decisive factor is the purity of their performance, and this is not my trump card. “Three” I continue to jump for the sake of diversity, because it is constantly on the tower to “sit” too bad, start all sorts of glitches, this is besides the fact that banal legs and back. From time to time you need to unload and jump it.

In June 2017 you spoke at home the European championship. What impressions do you have about this start and what feelings do you expect the world championship among juniors, which in July of this year will also be held in Kiev?

– Experience incredible! It is beyond words. We obviously don’t expect to be in the top three. Bronze was a pleasant shock. The program was the most difficult, we only now it was complicated. And at the expense of the future, I don’t like to think, but it still will not come true.

Someone from the family will come to support you?

– No, they’re all far away, in Lugansk.

Anna SAVCHIK, Sport-Express in Ukraine