A day of joy about the resurrection of Christ. Joy, who should share with their ancestors, departed to the other world. This is the concept of the holiday Radonitsa celebrated on Tuesday, the ninth day after Easter. This day is also called “Easter for the dead”.

Despite the fact that on this day, the Church recommends to visit the graves of their ancestors, but the holiday is not associated with sorrow and sad feelings.

On the contrary, it is a joyful day (hence the name of the holiday), when you need to remember that Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, conquered death, thereby giving life and giving humanity hope for the General resurrection.

This year the day of rejoicing will be celebrated on Tuesday, April 28.

Every year Radonitsa, which is also called Grebkami or the Wires, it falls on different dates. This is because the holiday depends on when Easter is celebrated.

On this day believers recommend to visit the graves of loved ones who have died – family, friends.

But before to pay tribute to the deceased, you need to give the burial in order. Or preferably to do it before, to remove dead wood, debris, touch up the fence and a monument.

Most came to the cemetery in full decorate the graves of relatives of various artificial compositions, bouquets of plastic. Clerics urge it not to do so as the same plastic severely affected the environment.

Also with the holiday of Radonitsa associated meals hosted by the people near the graves of relatives or friends. However, this custom has its roots in pre-Christian times.

However, the priests recommend to refrain from eating and the more libations in the cemetery, and just to light a candle on the tomb you dear man and remember his kind words.

Because the dead don’t need a meal on their bones, for it is hard to pray.

Besides Frank booze, when people leave behind on the graves of glasses with vodka and snacks, experts have called outright blasphemy and sacrilege. They have nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

Better food to give to those in need instead of leaving it to rot under the open sky.

By the way unlike the other Church dates and holidays, on the day of rejoicing are allowed to work. But to celebrate a birthday not worth it, better to move it to another date.

Recall that it is important to know about the most sorrowful day of Holy week, called good Friday. On this day there were many prohibitions, some believers prefer not to eat, not to get into trouble.

We also wrote about the features of palm Sunday in the year 2020. Not recommended due to the pandemic coronavirus to visit this year, the churches and the festive service, you can watch either TV or online.