Quarantine in Spain may be extended to mid-July and the peak of the pandemic will have at the end of April

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The restrictive measures in Spain in connection with the coronavirus pandemic may last until the month of July. While the alert is valid until April 26, however, the head of the Spanish government, Pedro Sanchez warned that, probably, the quarantine will be extended.

The publication La Razon, analyzing data from research consultancy Euromonitor International, monitoring of the University Johns Hopkins and the BCG matrix (a tool for strategic analysis and planning), results in an approximate end date of quarantine in Spain and other countries.

According to experts, its peak pandemic coronavirus in Spain will reach only at the end of April. And the main reason is purely statistical. To this point the results of the huge number of rapid tests for COVID-19, which are now held and will be held in the near future.

During the last week of this month the official number of infected in Spain will rise sharply, analysts predict. And the final lifting of the restrictions associated with quarantine, you must wait until the first week of June. And it is only under favorable circumstances. And in the worst case – in the third week of July, reports Noticia.

According to the Russian Embassy in Spain is currently about the thousands of Russians who want to return home. “More than half of them located in Catalonia and the Valencian Autonomous community. Others focus on the Canary and Balearic Islands, Andalusia and Madrid,” said the Russian Ambassador in Madrid, Yuri Korchagin, noting that the reasons for which these people earlier ignored the calls to urgently return to Russia, “did not affect aid”, which the Embassy provides to them.

Spain is in second place by total number of identified cases of infection (after the USA) and the number of victims (after Italy).

According on the 7th of April, Spain from the coronavirus died 13 798 people, the increase of deaths in recent days amounted to 740 patients. This is the largest number of deaths in the last four days, during which there was a decline. In intensive care units are more than 7000 patients. All infected are identified 140.5 thousand.