Russian President Vladimir Putin at a big press conference 20 Dec allowed a huge number of errors.

Attention to the clauses Putin turned the powerful Russian telegram-channel “Case for cello,” reports “Диалог.UA”.

On Thursday, December 20, Putin gave a big press conference, which, judging by the views on YouTube, was the Russians.

Not helped even the indelicate manipulation of Putin facts and figures, which counted more than 20. So, it is more than 13 million have overstated the number of Russian citizens, ten times exaggerated reserves of Russian gas and so on.

“The President said that in Russia more gas than the rest of the world – “67 trillion” cubic meters only in Yamal, while Europe lost from sanctions against Russia half a trillion euros,” said the resource, noting that in fact all of the gas reserves of 6.7 trillion cubic meters, and the loss of Europe was not 500, and 50 billion euros.

The press service of Putin urgently trying to clean up all his mistakes at the press conference. It is not clear, the reason they advanced age of the President of the Russian Federation, or it was a deliberate manipulation.

We will remind, earlier “Диалог.UA” reported that solved that was weird Putin.