The monument to participants of the ATO will be installed in the square of the Defenders of Ukraine.
In Kharkov, a monument to the participants of the war in the Donbas / photo UNIAN Kharkov in the near future there will be three new monuments, among them – the defenders of Ukraine who were killed during the war in the Donbass.

See also the Odessa region opened a monument to the defenders of Ukraine in the form of a tower of Donetsk airport

Proposals for these sites on Friday, December 21, supported by the Kharkiv city Commission on toponymy and protection of historical and cultural environment, the press service of the city Council.

The monument to participants of the ATO will be installed in the square of the Defenders of Ukraine.

In addition, the city will erect a monument to the founder of Kharkiv school of modern forensic medicine and criminalistics Mykola Bokarius and businessman and philanthropist of the late 19th century, Maximilian Helferich.