NACP was the Protocol on the Pro-rector of the Odessa medical University

KIEV. 22 Dec. UNN. The national Agency for prevention of corruption sent to court a Protocol against the Pro-rector of Odessa national medical University and two other subjects of declaring. This was reported by press service of the Agency, reports UNN.

“National Agency for the prevention of corruption sent to court a Protocol concerning the failure to provide or untimely provision of reports of material changes in the property status of 3 subjects of Declaration”, — stated in the message.

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The reports drawn up in respect of the Pro-rector on scientific and pedagogical work of Odessa national medical University Vladlena’s Dubinin, the former head of state financial inspection in Khmelnytskyi region Larissa Odinets and the Deputy of the village Council of the village Vita Poshtova Kyevo-Svyatoshinsky district, Alexander Patsera.

National Agency established that the rector of the University Vladlena Dubinina untimely filed in the Unified state register of declarations statement of material changes in financial condition in connection with the receipt of a gift in the form of apartments worth more than 687 thousand.

L. Odinets, being in the position of chief of state financial inspection in Khmelnytskyi region, has not filed a statement of material changes in property status after obtaining income in the amount of more than 173 thousand.

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It is also established that the Deputy of the village Council of the village of Vita-Mail Alexander Patsera not according to the National Agency about receiving an inheritance 2 / 3 apartments with a total area of 46,1 sq. m. in Kiev.

We will remind, the message on the substantial changes in property status is supplied by the entity Declaration in the case of receipt of income, purchase property in an amount exceeding 50 times the subsistence minimum established for able-bodied persons on 1 January of the relevant year, within ten days of receipt of such income or property acquisition.

Liability for failure to provide or delay in providing notice of material changes in the property as provided for by part two of article 172-6 of the code of administrative offences to a fine of one hundred to two hundred untaxed minimum incomes of citizens.

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Earlier NACP made reports to Provost NAU and the Governor of the Rivne region.