“Poltava terrorist” could be dead – Gerashchenko

Anton Gerashchenko

KIEV. July 29. UNN. Police are still looking for the man who last week took hostage the police in Poltava. However, it is possible that the man could commit suicide. This was announced by the Deputy Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko on air of one of TV channels, reports UNN.

“One theory is that this person may already have and non-living, because, according to police and the testimony of police officers, whom he took hostage, he was under the influence, as it seemed, strong drugs, methamphetamine. Such testimony was given by those people who dealt with him closely that he very seriously was using. We think he could have completed the suicide,” – said Gerashchenko.

At the same time, the Deputy head of the Ministry of interior said that police are still searching for the attacker.

“We hope soon to understand this man alive, or not, and to make him responsible for his actions”, – said Gerashchenko.

We recall the morning of July 23 a man in Poltava captured criminal investigator, and then traded him to the head of CID GUNP in the Poltava region, Colonel Vitaly Shiyan. With him he went to granted in accordance with its requirements, the car, the direction out of the city.

It is known that as of Tuesday, law enforcement officers continued the search in the Mirgorod district of Poltava region “Poltava terrorist” who captured the employee of criminal investigation Department of the police of the region. The search had attracted more than 500 people.