Russian President Vladimir Putin was caught on indelicate lies about the missile system “Avangard”, which felt on December 26.

The lies of Putin noticed the powerful Russian telegram-channel”, Serpone” reports “Диалог.UA”.

Wednesday, December 26, the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation when Putin held the final test of its Intercontinental ballistic missile system “Avangard”. At a press conference on this occasion Putin appreciated the successful rocket launch, assuring that “confirmed all the tactical and technical data” deadly installation.

The resource has drawn attention to earlier Putin’s statement on the system of the avant-garde. 1 March 2018 he is in the last Federal Assembly boasted that enterprises of Russia already “has started serial production of a new type of strategic weapons Russia – Avangard”.

“If in December – the final test, then what was made commercially available in March?” asked “Secomo”.

Putin’s lie about the “Avant-garde” is very telling. Without access to Western technology, defense industry of Russia is critically lagging behind. It is not excluded that the final test of a missile system – another fake cartoons, which aim to scare the world.

We will remind, earlier “Диалог.UA” reported that Putin has deprived Russians of speech, again hinting to them about “Paradise” deadly missile “avant-garde”.