The MP said that the attackers ransacked, stole donations and desecrated the Church building.
In the temple ransacked / photo Irina Kovalis, Facebook

To Belgorod-the Dniester region of Odessa region unknown robbed the temple of the former Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Read takeevery the former parish of the UOC-MP in Khmelnytsky moved into the local Church

This was announced by Odessa regional Council Deputy Irina Kavalis on his page in Facebook.

According to her, on the night of 26 December, an attack on a Church in the village of Semenivka Belgorod-Dniester district. The MP said that the attackers ransacked, stole donations and desecrated the Church building.

“On the eve of local parishioners together with the Abbot that was built in honor of St. Demetrios of the temple Archpriest Andrei decorated rooms for new year and Christmas holidays,” wrote Kovalik.

She argues that this is not the first attack on the temples of the UOC-MP in the Belgorod-Dniester region.