The Prime Minister of Israel made it unambiguously clear to Assad and covering the dictator Putin, that is not going to stand on ceremony, if the residents of his country is threatened. And no matter from whom it comes.

The Russian side accused Israel of “flagrant violation of Syrian sovereignty” and received a lightning response from the President, reports DW.

The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu said that “not tolerate a strengthening of Iran’s positions” in the vicinity of their territories.

Wednesday, December 26, the Russian foreign Ministry issued “an angry statement” against tel Aviv.

In turn, Netanyahu, published a response in his Twitter.

“We strongly and consistently opposed this (strengthening the position of Iran in Syria – ed.)”, – the politician wrote. According to Netanyahu, Israel is not afraid to “take what you need” and is determined “to defend his red line in Syria and elsewhere”.

Experts on the middle East political and military situation suggest that after withdrawal from the conflict zone U.S. forces Israel to strengthen vigilance in the region and will strongly respond to any provocation.

We will remind, the Israeli army launched a large-scale operation to eliminate tunnels dug by terrorists.

Earlier it was reported: Israel has tested a new laser gun that is able to protect the peaceful sky over the border regions.