A few years ago, the French aviation engineer Edwin van Ruymbeke have developed a robot-bird the Bionic Bird, which flew with flapping wings. Now came the insect model MetaFly like a huge butterfly in flight behaves in a similar way. And she forgives beginners mismanagement — all the limbs of the robot is made from carbon fiber, liquid crystal polymer and the oriented polypropylene, but because he is not afraid of falling and hitting the walls.

MetaFly a length of 19 cm, wingspan 29 cm, but weighs the miracle butterfly just 10 grams. Tiny motor with aluminum core receives energy from a lithium polymer battery. Charge lasts 15 minutes provides 8 minutes of flight, as the dock acts as a remote control, which you need to insert four AA-batteries or connect it with power Bank.

MetaFly is flying through flapping wings, and maneuvering with a movable tail vane-wheel. The maximum speed of the robot butterfly is limited to 18 km/h, the range of control signal – up to 100 m. the Cost of this unusual toys for adults at the stage of collection of funds of $78, retail it will be $129.

Source — Kickstarter