In front of a column of Marchers female solidarity brought together representatives of the nationalist organization “Ruthless”.
Participants in the March of women marched through the center of Kharkiv with different slogans / photo kh.vgorode.IAV Kharkiv on Friday, March 8, hosted a March of women’s solidarity on the occasion of International women’s day.

As reported by UA Kharkiv, the organizers to participate in the event on Sumskaya street, said about 300 people.

Read takeoverbid told about the plans about the cancellation of the weekend of March 8

“Gathered for the sake of solidarity and support. To say that a woman’s place is not only at home or in the kitchen, but in the public space of the city”, – explained the purpose of the action one of the organizers Anna sharygina.

They passed through the city center with the slogan “a woman’s Place is everywhere,” “a Riot, kohai, right vdovy”, “do Not sell for the flowers tomorrow will be at the stove”, “Hloptsiv I Ducat gnit Patriarchy”.

In front of a column of Marchers female solidarity brought together representatives of the nationalist organization “Ruthless” posters “feminism is a disease and a Feminist is not a woman”. They also chanted slogans of “Nation needs mothers and children” and “Beauty. Femininity. Motherhood”.

In comments to journalists the representative of the organization George Tarasenko said that the nationalists oppose “feminism as a degenerative ideology.”

The publication also notes that the order for shares is guarded by 200 police officers.

The radicals opposed the March of women / photo

After the March, the participants of the “Ruthless” tried to catch him, but this was prevented by the police. Under the supervision of law enforcement officers women got into the van and drove away from the Constitution square.

Earlier UNIAN reported that on Mikhaylovskaya square in Kiev the action “March of women”, whose members are opposed to domestic, sexual and psychological violence.