Marat Basharov severely beat a new wife

KIEV. 27 Dec. UNN. Russian actor Marat Basharov severely beat his new wife. This was told by brother Elizabeth Severovo, reports UNN citing the website “Starhit”.

“It happened today. She is in the hospital,” said a relative.

Brother said that Marat broke the nose of his sister. All night Lisa and her mother spent in the emergency room, now she sleeps after suffering stress.

“This is not the first incident when Basharov beat Lisa. Last year, when their son was still young, she was taken to a medical facility with serious hand injury. But then the family did not advertise this situation,” says the brother.

Actor and TV presenter Marat Basharov known for their aggressive nature and not the first time you raise a hand to a woman.

Ex-wife also suffered from violence on his part. The couple have long created the illusion of a happy family, everyone thought that Elizabeth, the actor became quieter and stopped the assault. However, the family remained silent about the problems.

As reported UNN, according to the court the popular actor and TV presenter Marat Basharov 20 months deprived of a driving license for driving in an alcohol intoxication.