Most Ukrainian oligarchs, are providing major financial support to many candidates.

In an interview with TV presenter Dmitry Gordon said
the oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, reports “Диалог.UA”.

Earlier Igor Kolomoisky told about who the second round in the presidential election next year. He is convinced that
that Yulia Tymoshenko would have to go through to the second round.

Kolomoisky said that is unlikely to be able to Finance
some of the presidential candidates due to the fact that his assets are blocked and
will stay in this state until the end of the presidential race. The oligarch
noted that like Zelensky, Tymoshenko and Vakarchuk.

The former Governor of Dnipropetrovsk region noted that
victory in the elections of the President of Ukraine want to spend a little more than 50 million
dollars, but it is important that the candidate was recognition among
population of not less than 90%.

Also the oligarch said that Pinchuk is one of the candidates
the presidency does not support. Financial assistance Lyashko has Rinat Akhmetov, Lyovochkin
help Boyko and Firtash. While Kolomoisky said that Putin could
Finance Medvedchuk.

Kolomoisky suddenly confessed that he
puppet Zelensky, and not Vice versa.

Among Ukrainian companies, which won in Russia in
International court of arbitration in the Crimea was associated with the oligarch
Igor Kolomoisky.