On the stretch of motorway Odessa-Kiev there were 5 road accidents, there are victims

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KIEV. 21 Dec. UNN. According to specified data, on a stretch of road Kiev-Odessa length of approximately 20 km has occurred five road accidents. The first accident involving passenger car and freight car caused the overturning of the bus in a ditch. It injured one person in the car “Tavria”. Further on the long descent from S. Znamenka Ivanovo district due to fog and ice occurred three more accidents. About it reported Department of communications, GU NP in the Odessa region, reports UNN.

“According to specified data, on a stretch of road Kiev-Odessa length of approximately 20 km has occurred five dorozhno-transport incident”, — stated in the message.

See ALSO: there was a video of the terrible accident near Odessa

The first of them — the truck and the car “Tavria”. The collision injured three people, who are now hospitalized. One of them — the passenger “Tavriya” — in a serious condition.

Short distance from the scene of the accident lost control of a regular bus driver, causing the vehicle overturned. One of the passengers received minor injuries. She was given medical care right on the scene.

On the same site, damaging the crash barrier, pulled over the truck. There were no injuries.

A little further collided and fell on the roadside two trucks. There were no injuries.

And at a distance of about 20 km from where the last accident faced passenger car and truck Mitsubishi Mercedes Sprinter.

As a result of collision nobody has suffered.

As reported UNN, December 21, in 17 km from Kiev near the village Plyuty in the Obukhov district, Kyiv region there was an accident: overturned bus with 30 passengers, 8 people were hospitalized.